Amazing Healthy Formulas
Authentic Colloidal Silver and Copper
Why Real Colloidal Silver Is Yellow In Color
So how do you know which type of colloidal silver to choose? Not long ago there weren't that many to choose from but today there are so many colloidal silver products that it is confusing to the consumer, because you don't know which to buy. These websites are in such competition that they all try to impress the buyer with all the scientific jargon, much of which is incorrect and misleading. For this reason we are going to explain the science from a practical perspective that is irrefutable so that it makes some sense.
The most advertised selling points found in common with these sellers are the parts per million (ppm), the particle size, and the color. All colloidal silver sellers will agree that the particle size should be the smallest possible for more than one reason. Particle size is always in terms of nanometers (one billionth of a meter) which is incredibly small. Particles that are, for example, 1-10 nanometers in diameter are easily suspended or dispersed in their medium (water) and will remain this way because of the repulsive electrical charges they possess. The particles found in real colloidal silver will possess a "negative zeta potential electrical charge" which is explained on our webpage entitled "The Science of Colloidal Silver". These particles that are negatively charged constantly push away from all other particles and are constantly colliding with other particles and the walls of the container at very high velocities, which is how and why they stay suspended forming a colloid.
Large particles cannot do this as they will fall out of solution and sink to the bottom no longer being in the suspended colloid form. The smallest particles will provide the largest "surface area". The greater the surface area is important for more than one reason. Here is an example: Let's say that you measure the surface area of a silver dollar which will be approximately 3 square inches. Now if you were to take all the atoms which make up the silver dollar and lined them all next to each other the surface area would be equivalent to 174,240 square feet (4 acres). That is a big difference. Smaller particles providing larger surface areas, provides a much greater surface area for killing pathogens. We also want these silver particles to be able to go everywhere in the body so that they can kill more pathogens. The smallest blood vessels are the capillaries which are approximately 7-10 microns in diameter. Nano-sized silver particles (1000 nanometers=1 micron) are able to go anywhere and everywhere.
So the particle size determines the ability for these particles to remain suspended in a colloid form and the size determines the surface area which affects the pathogen killing capacity. The size of the particles and the parts per million also dictates the color of the colloidal silver. The color alone can determine the parts per million and the particle size and it is accurate. We will come back t0 color and why it is so important.
Most silver producers will state the particle size of their products because they test it with equipment that costs many thousands of dollars and have names that sound very scientific, like " atomic flame absorption spectroscopy". This is highly unlikely and produces subjective findings and ultimately unnecessary. They all state that their "colloidal silver" has the smallest particles on the market. How would you, the consumer, know this to be true? You can't.
The part per million is another parameter that they say is tested with similarly expensive equipment and again, you the consumer, cannot verify. So how can you make an informed decision on what silver product to buy? The color!
Light from the sun or daylight and the light in our houses are "white light" and it contains all of the colors. When white light is shone through a prism all of the colors separate and you will see the colors of the rainbow leading to the acronym of "ROY G BIV".
These are the colors of the "visible light spectrum". The wavelengths of the visible light spectrum are from 400 to 700 nanometers in length. You have to flip the ROY G BIV around backwards for it to progress from left to right with the shortest wavelengths to the longest wavelengths as we are accustomed to as in the image below.

When white light strikes an object, the colors that you see are the "reflected" colors of a specific wavelength, whereas all the other colors are "absorbed". These reflected wavelengths of a color enter the eye and stimulate two different types of cells called rods and cones. Rods are stimulated to produce shades of gray when they are stimulated by dim or minimal light. The rod cells are stimulated mostly when it is dark.
The cone cells are utilized for color. There are three different types of cones cells and each is specific for one of the three primary colors blue, red, and green. Our eyes do not perceive any other colors, only these three. When reflected lights rays enter our eyes they will be either short, medium or long wavelengths and as you can see from the image above each color has a different wavelength. When these light rays enter the eye they will stimulate the cone cells that will accept the given wavelength. Red cone cells accept wavelengths at 570 nanometers in length, blue at 420 nanometers and green at 530 nanometers.
The wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum will be either short, medium, or long. The short wavelengths will activate the blue cones cells, the medium length wavelengths will activate the green cone cells and the long wavelengths will activate the red cone cells. There is typically many different length light rays entering the eye at the same time and so each type of cone cell is stimulated by different percentages. These different percentages will determine what color will be perceived by the brain. The primary colors of the art world the are red, blue and yellow but in the chemistry world of eye physiology the primary colors are red, blue and green.
The color wheel image shown below is universally accepted as representing the colors of the visible light spectrum (ROY G BIV), for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Inverse Colors
Inverting colors, at its simplest, means exactly that. Imagine you have a monochromatic ( color of a single wavelength) red light. That means in the visible light spectrum number line you would have some amount of red light and no light of other colors.
Now let's invert the color. Now you have light of every color, except red. This "all colors except red" would show up in your vision as cyan color, the exact same color if you shift the color wheel 180 degrees, as shown in the visible light spectrum color wheel shown above.
In reality, these two colors ("true" cyan, and "all colors but red" cyan) which look exactly the same to your eyes, have vastly different frequency spectra. So why do we see these as the same color?
The answer is because of how our eyes work. As mentioned above, we detect color by our cone cells in the retina. There are three different types, with each sensitive to short, medium and long wavelengths of light.
Our eyes detect color by measuring the ratio of activation of these three cells. For example, seeing yellow light will intensely activate long and medium cells, while only activating a bit of the short wavelength cells.
You can already see the drawback in this method of perceiving color. If your eyes receive red, green and blue light in a way that excites your cone cells the same exact amount as what true yellow light will, you will perceive the light as that color. This is how monitors work, showing you more than three individual colors despite having three color LEDs.
"All colors but red" happens to activate our cone cells exactly the same amount as "true" cyan.
Real Colloidal Silver is Yellow
Real colloidal silver has a wavelength of 400 nanometers which is the same wavelength as the color indigo. This is why silver "absorbs" the color indigo which is why it is perceived as yellow. Yellow is 180 degrees on the visible light spectrum color wheel, it is the "inverse" of indigo. This is how you know it is real colloidal silver.
Seeing the color as yellow means that all of the indigo light was absorbed. This also means that the particle size is in the 1 -10 nanometer range. This is because the indigo light will be absorbed by the smallest particles because these will have the greatest surface area to absorb the indigo light wavelengths.
This yellow color also determines the parts per million to be at or near 20 ppm. At 10 -15 ppm the colloidal silver will appear a clear mercurial color and 25- 40 ppm will range from a light to dark amber color because as more particles accrue the more light is blocked giving a darker color. A 50 ppm colloidal silver would appear black or very dark.
So the color yellow can determine that the wavelength is at 400 nanometers which is correct for colloidal silver. It also determines the particle size to be 1 -10 nanometers which is ideal and it can determine that the ppm range is at or near 20 ppm.
All of the above information is just straight up science and each fact can be easily researched and verified from this perspective. As we have stated, the best way to determine if a colloidal silver is authentic is the color, the taste and the effectiveness. Colloidal silver has nanoparticles of silver and therefore should taste metallic.
Ionic silver is a different product. It is clear in color and tastes like distilled water and although it has its merits, it is not authentic colloidal silver and will not produce the same health benefits.