Amazing Healthy Formulas
Authentic Colloidal Silver and Copper
How to Use Colloidal Silver
Let's start by saying that colloidal silver is not a cure all, regarding any and all health conditions or disorders. It's purpose is to kill bacteria, fungus and viruses. Illnesses that are partly or solely due to these pathogens will greatly benefit from the use of colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is safe for all ages and all conditions and for all pets.
As with any serious condition, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of a health care professional.
Colloidal silver can be used daily as a preventative measure to ward off any of these pathogens, especially the flu, and all associated viruses that come with the "flu season". For this purpose, a daily intake of 1-2 ounces per day for each household member is adequate. Can you still get the flu if you are taking colloidal silver every day? People that are under a lot of stress and or suffer from adrenal fatigue or have suppressed immune systems are always subject to catching whatever comes along. but taking colloidal silver regularly will minimize such occurrences.
The "associated" viruses are those such as adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, common cold, and the ever popular herpes viruses that always brings us the cold sores. For these viruses, taking 3-6 ounces per day should be adequate. Also apply the colloidal silver directly to the cold sores frequently.
For the more serious upper respiratory conditions such as the flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia, a different, more aggressive approach is necessary. Most all viruses are contracted through the respiratory tract and this is where you should attack them first by using a "nebulizer" with colloidal silver. Don't use a substitute such as a mister, air moisturizer, or humidifier, use a nebulizer!
These conditions, if you want to knock them out much faster, will require drinking 16 -32 ounces of colloidal silver a day and using a nebulizer 3-6 times a day. This is an aggressive approach, but remember, there is no known toxicity level for colloidal silver. You can drink as much as needed without any side effects except for the possible "herxheimer" reaction, which is the release of toxins from the virus that is being killed at such a fast rate. These aggressive high volumes are perfectly safe to take for the 7-10 days most often necessary to eradicate such viral infections. Remember, antibiotics cannot kill a virus.
For MERSA (methicillin -resistant staphylococcus areus) , you would want to be very aggressive in your treatment because these infections can be life- threatening. These are typically associated with a lesion of the skin such as a sore, puncture, cut or abrasion which allows the staph to enter the bloodstream. Staphylococcus areus is commonly carried in the nose and on the skin of approximately 30% of the population. Always see a qualified health care physician for suspected staph infections.
Even though conventional medicine has very little to offer in killing staph infections, wound care is paramount. A staph infected wound should have a colloidal silver soaked bandage on at all times and minimum of 32 ounces of colloidal silver should be orally taken daily.
Someone with Shingles should apply a colloidal silver soaked bandage to any painful herpetic lesions that erupt from the skin, and also, 16 -32 ounces of colloidal silver should be taken orally daily. Shingles is from the chicken pox virus (Herpes Zoster) that lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglion of the large spinal nerves. Once this spinal nerve is aggravated along with a suppressed immune system, here comes the shingles. Again, antibiotics cannot kill a virus. Steroid medications can help ease the discomfort associated with shingles, but will not kill the virus.
The above dosages are meant to be upper limit approximations. Common sense dictates that the more severe a condition is, the more time and treatment will be required to improve the condition.
Everyday we are all subjected to overwhelming amounts of bacteria and viruses from the air that we breath, the water that we drink, the food that we eat and the physical contact we experience with the world around us. Their is no avoiding these pathogens, but we can consistently kill them with a true colloidal silver.
Flu shots will not prevent or kill the flu! And, they are exceptionally harmful. Most people get the flu shot because of the media propaganda, social pressures, and advice from their medical doctor. Have you ever heard of "free" medical care, of any kind? Why are flu shots free and why can you get them anywhere, Walmart? There is an abundance of informative websites regarding the truth about flu shots and the hidden agenda, seek them out and become informed.
Also see Authentic Colloidal Copper for combined usage