Amazing Healthy Formulas
Authentic Colloidal Silver and Copper
Copper Complexes
Copper Salicylate
​Copper is an essential trace mineral. All tissues of the body need it for normal metabolic functions. However, in organic form as chelates or complexes it is excellent for reducing inflammations, strengthening connective tissues, restoring hair color, promoting oxidative energy production, and kills all pathogens (bacteria and viruses).
Copper salicylate is a copper complex, which is an atom of copper connected or bound to another specific molecule. The most effective anti-inflammatory agents are copper complexes.
Amazing Healthy Formulas Copper Salicylate is a copper atom chemically bound to salicylic acid.

Copper Salicylate
Copper Salicylate has a better anti-inflammatory effect than cortisone but without the side effects. Copper Salicylates have a similar action as superoxide dismutase (SOD1) to protect cells from free radicals, which is one of the most damaging causes of severe arthritis.
The first observation of copper’s role in the immune system was published in 1867 when it was reported that, during the cholera epidemics in Paris of 1832, 1849 and 1852, the copper workers were immune to the disease.
In 1939, the German physician, Werner Hangarter, noticed that the Finnish copper miners were unaffected by arthritis, as long as they worked in the copper mine industry. This was particularly striking since rheumatism was a widespread disease in Finland, and workers in other industries and other towns had more rheumatic diseases than did the copper miners. This led to the medical researchers and physicians to utilizing copper complexes to successfully treating patients suffering from rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, neck and back problems, as well as sciatica.
Dr. Werner Hangarter, head of medicine at the University of Kiel, successfully used copper salicylate for over 20 years with more than 1100 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Of 620 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 65% became symptom free and another 23% improved significantly, only 12% remained unchanged. With acute rheumatic fever 100% became symptom free. Also, neuromuscular problems such as sciatica, neuralgia, and cervical spine-shoulder problems responded very well. Even short- term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis resulted in long-term remissions or improvements. Copper salicylate can have a profound effect on not only rheumatoid arthritis but also osteoarthritis
Copper Salicylate is another highly effective natural remedy that the large pharmaceutical companies do not produce or sell because being naturally occurring it can’t be patented. Due to Copper Salicylate's ability to greatly reduce inflammation and effectively treat all forms of arthritis, they have gone to great lengths to keep this information well hidden.
Amazing Health Formulas’ Copper Salicylate is formulated to perfection resulting in a high yield product. It is not manufactured or sold by any other manufacturer due to the complexity of its production and the lack of information on how to produce it. Our Copper salicylate is often used in conjunction with our Colloidal Copper to maximize its effects in minimizing inflammation and all forms of arthritis.
Copper Aspirinate
Amazing Healthy Formulas also offers another remarkable copper complex that is highly effective in reducing inflammation and arthritis pain. This complex is Copper Aspirinate. It is formulated using copper carbonate and acetylsalicylic acid and forms a brilliant blue color, whereas the copper salicylate is a brownish green color.
Both the copper salicylate and the copper aspirinate are copper complexes that medical research is looking at very hard because of the abundance of medical literature substantiating their ability to drastically reduce inflammation and arthritic pain better than prescription medications.

Copper Aspirinate
The general consensus of medical research believes that when aspirin is taken by itself it combines with copper in the body to form a copper complex and this is how aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties.
Our copper complexes of copper salicylate and copper aspirinate are approximately 8 times more powerful than aspirin but less toxic. The therapeutic potency and safety of the copper complexes of aspirin is much better than for aspirin itself or for inorganic copper. The therapeutic index (the margin between effectiveness and the toxic effects) has been stated as being significantly greater than for other anti-inflammatory drugs. While aspirin causes or aggravates peptic ulcers, the copper complexes have a better ulcer-healing effect than commonly used anti-inflammatory ulcer drugs. Harmful effects of aspirin, salicylic acid and similar drugs apparently arise because they bind copper in the body and cause a localized copper deficiency in the tissues.
Amazing Healthy Formulas' Copper Aspirinate complex is an atom of copper chemically bound to acetylsalicylic acid ( the active ingredient of aspirin).
The daily dosage for both of these copper complexes is the same. First, as with all medications or supplements, if you are allergic to any of the ingredients, do not take.
These copper complexes are powerful in small doses, so, "more is not better."
The recommended daily dosage for both the copper salicylate and the copper aspirinate is initially only 30 mg.(milligrams) per day for the first three days. If no side effects are experienced then the 30 mg. is to be increased to twice a day for three days. The following three days a dosage of 60 mg. twice per day is to be taken and this specific dosage should remain the same for the next 30 days. If no side effects are experienced then the daily dosage can increase to 60 mg. three times per day. The copper complexes should be taken with a liquid drink with a meal.
These copper complexes have a bitter taste, like aspirin, so it is better to take these with a drink that can hide the taste. The drink should not contain vitamin C because vitamin C can bind with the copper and render it inert.
Also, while using copper complexes, it is best to supplement with the mineral zinc otherwise an imbalance between these very important minerals can occur.
At any given time during treatment with either of these copper complexes all symptoms of inflammation or arthritic pain subside, then maintain that particular dosage as there is no need to take more, "more is not better".
These copper complexes (Copper Salicylate and Copper Aspirinate) are not available in stores or online. They are very special, very safe, and they specifically target inflammation and arthritis better than prescription medications. The reason that we produce two different copper complexes is because everyone's physiology is different and one may work better than the other for varying inflammatory conditions and different severities.