Amazing Healthy Formulas
Authentic Colloidal Silver and Copper
Amazing Healthy Formulas' Authentic Colloidal Copper

Authentic Colloidal Copper
Amazing Healthy Formulas' Colloidal Copper is an authentic, genuine colloidal copper. It is not an ionic copper. It is made from the purest water that is steam distilled, ozonated and filtered. We use the highest quality of copper available to produce the highest quality of colloidal copper possible. It contains only pure water and nano-sized copper particles at a concentration of 20 parts per million (ppm) and it is non-toxic.
We have been making both Authentic Colloidal Copper and Colloidal Silver for many years because of their exceptional medicinal and pathogen killing capabilities. These two products stand alone.
Unlike our genuine colloidal silver, which should have a metallic taste, a genuine colloidal copper has no taste, it should taste like water. Ionic copper has a particularly nasty taste which is indicative of it not being a true colloid.
Shelf Life
Colloids made from non-noble metals such as copper have a limited shelf life, typically 4 to 6 months, once the bottle is opened. Air, which includes oxygen, enters the bottle when it is opened. The oxygen will cause the metal nanoparticles to slowly oxidize, thus converting them into their ionic state. For this reason, it is best to purchase only what can be used or consumed within this period of time. This product does not require refrigeration after opening.
Our Authentic Colloidal Silver is different in this regard, as it has a life shelf that is stable for years.
The Benefits of Copper
Copper is an essential trace element for humans and animals. Although Hippocrates is said to have recommended copper compounds as early as 400 B.C., scientists are still uncovering new information regarding the functions of copper in the human body.
Copper is an essential trace mineral that facilitates the activity of several enzymes. The mineral provides a role in the development and maintenance of the cardiovascular system, including the heart, arteries, and other blood vessels, the skeletal system, and the structure and function of the nervous system, including the brain.
Copper is a critical functional component of a number of essential enzymes, known as cuproenzymes. The copper-dependent enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase, plays a critical role in cellular energy production. Another cuproenzyme, lysyl oxidase, is required for the cross-linking of collagen and elastin, which are essential for the formation of strong and flexible connective tissue. The action of lysyl oxidase helps maintain the integrity of connective tissue in the heart and blood vessels and plays a role in bone formation.
A number of reactions essential to normal function of the brain and nervous system are catalyzed by cuproenzymes.
Copper is involved in respiration and the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is essential in the production of collagen and the neurotransmitter noradrenalin. It is an important blood antioxidant and prevents the rancidity of polyunsaturated fats.
Copper is involved in numerous enzyme systems that break down or build up body tissues. It plays a role in the production of the skin pigment melanin by converting the amino acid tyrosine. The mineral is essential for the synthesis of phospholipids, which are a component of the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves.
Copper works with iron in the development and maintenance of red blood cells and their protein hemoglobin.
Promotes healthy skin.
Supports healthy cartilage and tendon regeneration.
Plays a critical role in cellular energy production.
Helps maintain the integrity of connective tissue in the heart and blood vessels.
Plays a role in bone formation.
Plays a role in the metabolism of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine.
Functions as an antioxidant.
Necessary for normal iron metabolism and red blood cell formation.
Copper is known to play an important role in the development and maintenance of immune system function.
Copper increases the body's ability to absorb iron.
It has been known and scientifically proven that colloidal silver and colloidal copper will kill every pathogen known. This includes bacteria, mold, fungus and all viruses. The extensive media coverage regarding the COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the "fact" that copper kills this virus within minutes. Why weren't you told about this before? We are sure that you can figure this out for yourself. There is overwhelming evidence that copper will completely destroy the following:
E. coli (Escherichia coli
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Areus (MRSA)
Clostridium difficile
Influenza A virus
E. Coli is a potent, highly infectious, ACDP (Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, UK) Hazard Group 3 foodborne and waterborne pathogens. The bacterium produces toxins that cause diarrhea, severe aches and nausea in infected persons. Symptoms of severe infections include hemolytic uremic syndrome (kidney disease), and death. E. coli has become a serious public health threat because of its increased incidence and because children up to 14 years of age. the elderly, and the immunocompromised individuals are at risk of incurring the most severe symptoms.
Recent studies have shown that copper will kill over 99.9% of E. coli microbes after just 1-2 hours.
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Areus) is a dangerous bacteria strain because it is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. Recent strains of the bacteria, EMRSA-15 and EMRSA-16, are highly transmissible, durable and deadly. In 2008, after evaluating a wide body of research mandated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), registration approvals were granted by the EPA in 2008 granting that copper kills more than 99.9% of MRSA within 2 hours.
Clostridium difficile, an aerobic bacterium, is a major cause of potentially life-threatening disease, including nosocomial diarrheal infections, especially in developed countries. C. difficile endospores can survive for up to 5 months on surfaces. The pathogen is frequently trasmitted by the hands of healthcare workers in hospital environments. C. difficile is currently a leading hospital-acquired infection in the UK, and rivals MRSA as the most common organism to cause hospital acquired infections in the U.S. It is responsible for a series of intestinal health complications, often referred to collectively as Clostridium Difficile Associated Disease (CDAD).
The antimicrobial efficacy of copper against C. difficile was recently evaluated and it was found that both the spores and vegetative cells were completely killed within 24 hours and that over 90% were killed within the first 3 hours.
Influenza A Virus, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease from a viral pathogen different from the one that produces the common cold. Symptoms of influenza, which are much more severe than the common cold, include fever, sore throat, muscle aches, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort. Influenza can cause pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in young children and the elderly.
After incubation for one hour on copper, active influenza A virus particles were reduced by 75%. After 6 hours, the particles were reduced on copper by 99.999%. It has been found in these inactivation experiments that the flu strain, H1N1, which is nearly identical to the H5N1 avian strain and the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) strain are all killed by copper.
Adenovirus is a group of viruses that infect the tissue lining membranes of the respiratory and urinary tracts, eyes, and intestines. Adenoviruses account for about 10% of acute respiratory infections in children. These viruses are a common cause of diarrhea.
Recent studies find that 75% of adenovirus particles are killed by copper within one hour and 99.999% killed within 6 hours.
New Research From The University of Southampton
New research from the University of Southampton has found that copper can effectively help to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, which are linked to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
Animal coronaviruses that 'host jump' to humans, such as SARS and MERS, result in severe infections with high mortality. The Southampton researchers found that a closely-related human coronavirus -- 229E -- can remain infectious on common surface materials for several days, but is rapidly destroyed on copper.
A newly-published paper in mBio -- a journal of the American Society for Microbiology -- reports that human coronavirus 229E, which produces a range of respiratory symptoms from the common cold to more lethal outcomes such as pneumonia, can survive on surface materials including ceramic tiles, glass, rubber and stainless steel for at least five days. While human-to-human transmission is important, infections can be contracted by touching surfaces contaminated by respiratory droplets from infected individuals, or hand touching, leading to a wider and more rapid spread.
On copper, and a range of copper alloys -- collectively termed 'antimicrobial copper' -- the coronavirus was rapidly inactivated (within a few minutes, for simulated fingertip contamination). Exposure to copper destroyed the virus completely and irreversibly, leading the researchers to conclude that antimicrobial copper surfaces could be employed in communal areas and at any mass gatherings to help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses and protect public health.
Lead researcher Dr Sarah Warnes said: "Transmission of infectious diseases via contaminated surfaces is far more important than was originally thought, and this includes viruses that cause respiratory infections. This is especially important when the infectious dose is low and just a few virus particles can initiate an infection.
"Human coronavirus, which also has ancestral links with bat-like viruses responsible for SARS and MERS, was found to be permanently and rapidly deactivated upon contact with copper. What's more, the viral genome and structure of the viral particles were destroyed, so nothing remained that could pass on an infection. With the lack of antiviral treatments, copper offers a measure that can help reduce the risk of these infections spreading."
Speaking on the importance of the study, Professor Bill Keevil, co-author and Chair in Environmental Healthcare at the University of Southampton, said: "Respiratory viruses are responsible for more deaths, globally, than any other infectious agent. The evolution of new respiratory viruses, and the re-emergence of historic virulent strains, poses a significant threat to human health.
"The rapid inactivation and irreversible destruction of the virus observed on copper and copper alloy surfaces suggests that the incorporation of copper alloy surfaces -- in conjunction with effective cleaning regimes and good clinical practice -- could help control transmission of these viruses."
Previous research by Professor Keevil and Dr Warnes has proved copper's efficacy against norovirus, influenza and hospital superbugs, such as MRSA and Klebsiella, plus stopping the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to other bacteria to create new superbugs.
How Copper Kills
Metal elements such as copper are made of atoms with a stable nucleus and a less stable cloud of orbiting electrons. While it takes a nuclear reaction to change the make up of the nucleus, atoms exchange electrons on a regular basis. These electron exchanges are called "redox", a combination of two terms for actions that occur as a matched set. REDox: the gain of electrons and the decrease in oxidation state. OXidaion: the loss of electrons and the increase in oxidation state.

Killing by contact. Shown is the tentative events in copper's contact killing. A: Copper dissolves from the copper surface and causes cell damage. B: The cell membrane ruptures because of copper and other stress phenomena, leading to loss of membrane potential and cytoplasmic content. C: Copper ions induce the generation of reactive oxygen species, which cause further cell damage. D: Genomic and plasmid DNA becomes degraded.
When copper oxidizes, or loses, electrons, it creates an "oxide" of itself, what is known as cuprous oxide (Cu2O). In this form, the redox binds copper atoms to oxygen atoms, which are then in a state of constant exchange of electrons. This makes cuprous oxide unstable enough to disrupt organisms at a microscopic level.
Copper pulls electrons from the lipids, oxygen, or proteins of the virus' cell wall. Oxidizing copper atoms weaken the virus when they pull these electrons from the atoms that make up the virus' cell wall. Just like pulling bricks from a wall, eventually the cell wall breaks open. This leads to allows the cytoplasm (inner contents of the virus) to spill out and degrade.
At the same time copper atoms rush into the virus and attack the DNA, the genetic material, the reproduction blueprints, so that the virus can no longer replicate or mutate.
Once this occurs, there is no chance in the virus mutating because all the genetic material has been destroyed. The copper atoms, just like the colloidal silver atoms, are free to move on and continue killing more of the virus, because they are not depleted or used up.
So basically, the copper breaks open the virus cell wall, invades and destroys the virus and then moves on to destroy more virus. No naturally occurring or bio-engineered virus of the future can adapt or mutate to survive copper!
Colloidal Copper and Surface Area
We all now know that copper kills all pathogens and viruses and how it kills them. All copper surfaces kill viruses and the greater the surface area, the greater the killing capacity.
Colloidal copper has a tremendous surface area that can rival the area shown in the adjacent image. How can that be?
The following example applies to both colloidal silver and colloidal copper. If you were to imagine a silver dollar and measure its total surface area, it would be approximately 3 square inches.

That ought to do it!
If you take this same silver dollar and break it down into individual atoms of silver and line them up next to each other, the surface area would be equivalent to approximately 174,240 square feet (four acres). The smaller a particle of silver/copper is, the greater the surface area provided to kill pathogens.
Our Authentic Colloidal Copper and Silver are filtered at 10 micron sized particles, which provides a tremendous surface area for killing pathogens.
The true color of colloidal copper is clear and you can't see the microscopically sized particles of copper. But, what you can do is pour the colloidal copper into a clear mason/canning jar, take it into a dark room, shake it up and shine a red laser through it. You will see the brilliance of millions of nano-sized copper particles in the laser beam. It is quite a sight to see. You can do the same thing with colloidal silver and again see millions of nano-sized silver particles but the beam will appear more dense due to its unique elemental makeup.
These millions of nano-sized particles flowing through the human body can go everywhere. Pathogens cannot escape!
How To Use Authentic Colloidal Copper
Our Authentic Colloidal Copper comes in a 32 ounce container and we also include a 2 ounce spray bottle. The colloidal copper can be taken orally per the recommended dosage as a dietary supplement to ward off and kill all pathogens.
The 2 ounce bottle is to be filled from the large container so that it can be carried on your person and used to spray in the mouth, in each side of the nose and onto the hands, gloves, and face mask (see video below) to eliminate and kill pathogens at initial contact. It can also be sprayed onto any surface to eradicate pathogens. There is not a more powerful hand sanitizer in existence!
Because copper is a trace mineral it must be taken in smaller amounts than the colloidal silver. The best approach for those currently combating an upper respiratory infection is to use the colloidal copper in a nebulizer 1-3 times a day while drinking significant amounts of colloidal silver. Do not use the colloidal copper in a humidifier or mister, these are not harmful, its just that they will not deliver the much needed colloidal copper to the respiratory tract like the nebulizer will.
There is no known toxicity level for colloidal silver, it can be taken often and in significant amounts. The copper on the other hand is a trace mineral and less is required therefore consumption should be as recommended. When taking copper, take it 2 hours away from taking vitamin C and or zinc. Copper can interfere with the absorption of these so, just take them at different times.
So, the best course of action it to utilize the copper spray as frequently as needed, orally take 1-2 ounces of colloidal copper per day, use the nebulizer with copper 1-3 times per day and drink significant amounts of colloidal silver per day. This regiment is very effective for when a virus is already contracted and there is current illness.
For preventative measures when there is no current viral illness just take the recommended dosage for both the colloidal silver and copper.
Authentic Colloidal Copper and Silver are very safe for all ages and together they are the most powerful immune weapons that exist!