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Amazing Healthy Formulas makes two of the most unique products in the world. We are the only manufacturer in the world that produces authentic, genuine, colloidal copper and silver.
This  is all we do, and we do it better than anyone else!
We take great pride in the authenticity and integrity of our  authentic colloidal silver and copper. The production protocols we use came from the early 1900's when these colloids were originally developed and perfected.  
Our colloidal copper and silver cannot be improved upon due their nature. This authentic production criteria can no longer be found. It truly is a lost art. 
Both silver and copper have medicinal histories dating back thousands of years. They worked better than anything else back then, and they work better than anything now! Even with today's technology, a more effective anti-viral agent does not exist.
We wanted to preserve the best antibacterial and antiviral  immune weapons that nature has ever created, and we have.
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Our silver and copper colloids are made by hand and they are labor intensive and time consuming to produce.
Virtually all online manufacturers sell "ionic" silver and copper but label them as colloidal, when they are not. They can produce vast amounts much quicker for  larger profits. These shortcuts produce an inferior product that will not kill a virus. 
Flu and virus season is now a year round event and no antibiotic or vaccine can kill a virus. Since the recent corona virus pandemic has left the world vulnerable, it is time to fight back with these two "natural born killers"!
These genuine silver and copper colloids are the most effective immune weapons that exist, and they are healthy. That's different.
Read inside about these remarkable products and see for yourself. Be informed and stay healthy.
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